Looking for Team Builders
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Looking for team builders to join our Journey
We joined Flamingo Paperie in April 2018 looking for an ethical network marketing company we could enjoy being part. We needed something that would fit around our life and small holding, with repeatable sales and easy recruiting. Who doesn't love getting a lovely card through the post ? With the card industry in the UK alone worth 1.75 billion pounds of sales, and on average 33 cards per person per year sent in the UK this was a market we thought was worth getting into. Within 6 months of joining we became Senior Partners and then in 12 months from that, we became Flamingo Paperie first Executive Partners to achieve the title solely under the Flamingo Paperie umbrella. (was formally Phoenix trading). We have had great fun getting where we are today but are wanting to build on what we have and support further team members to achieve their goals.

With many ways to market including your own personal website allocated to you, pop up shops, bags of cards passed to family and friends to look at and buy , word of mouth, trade stands and brochures.Its really easy to retail the well loved and liked products, as well as recruiting into your own team. Click here to see 10 good reasons to join Flamingo Paperie.

Covid and Flamingo Paperie
Where a lot of Business have struggled through the Pandemic Flamingo Paperie has gone from strength to strength. The company has seen partners websites seeing an increase in 4 times as many orders and in the first three months of 2021 turnover is double that of what it was in the same three months of 2020. Is now not the time to join and ride that wave ?
Intrested ?
If you live in the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland),the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, France, Australia, or New Zealand and are interested please get in touch with us or visit our website for more information. www.mgflamingocards.com
If you live in any other area from the above there is still an opportunity to become an International Business Customer. Get in touch for more information.
Matt & Michael